See what my beautiful clients have to say about their time and experience with TCC.

Where to start? I have no idea! There are so many great things that I love about being a part of TCC. It took me a while to join because I was all over the place in my life and I wasn’t sure if I had enough time in my day to join and be a part of TCC. That sentence right there is the reason why I should have joined a long time ago and it’s something I wouldn’t have ever seen even or acknowledged before hadn’t been for Nancy and Lexi. I haven’t been part of TCC for very long but yet it feels like I’ve been here since the beginning. After initially joining, I was browsing the website and checking everything out, when I stumble upon the manifesto on Nancy’s page and a few other things that gave me this feeling of home. I felt like I was finally home and I knew I was meant to be here. TCC has helped me to see things from a different perspective but also to really see what my needs are and where it is that I require attention. Both Lexi and Nancy have provided me the tools, support, and guidance that I apparently really needed and had no idea. They’re always there to answer any of my questions and let me tell you I had a ton. Their group sessions are one of my favorites, but The Conjure Crates take the cake! Those crates are amazing and smell soooo good!! They offer all these goodies to assist with meditations and gentle suggestions on how to use them in case you’re clueless like me. I’ve also had multiple readings from both Nancy and Lexi and all I have to say is that I absolutely love each other their personalities shine in each of their readings. They’re funny, kind, and gentle while giving you an ass-kicking and letting you know you have work to do but also share that excitement of all the good things to come. My absolute favorite reading by them was the upside-down reading. It was very much needed and needless to say I laughed, I cried and I pulled myself together. As always both Nancy and Lexi were there for me afterward in case I had any questions. It’s amazing how dedicated they are to their clients, while also having their own lives and families to care for and this is why when you join TCC it’s not just a group. It’s definitely a family! I have met and connected with so many individuals here since I have joined. I don’t know about you but this overflows my heart with joy. So if you’re looking for a sign to join. I hope this is it and if you’re not ready, it’s okay! You can start off like me by getting a reading from one or both of these wonderful ladies, ordering a conjure crate, and seeing if it’s for you! I know I’m so happy and grateful I did!
TCC has been a lifeline to restoring peace. There is something to be said about the amplified power of coming together as a group to do the inner work to heal, to unroot the causes of disharmony and to learn how to gain strength from the lessons in order to continue the healing journey long after the sessions. This is a private community like no other because it teaches you how to become stronger and wiser without losing your sovereignty in the process. There’s support without coddling. There’s teaching without guru worship. You’re taught that everyone is coming in at different levels in the journey but no one is better than another. And that the magic is in being open to the process. I’ve grown so much and I’m constantly absorbing new techniques to be deeper. Thank you for being the steward for the truth and to shine that light out for us all to bask in.
I’ve enjoyed my time with you all since the beginning! I love how much things have shifted and continue to unfold. The guidance I’ve received from each one of you has kept me moving forward with a constant nudge or the occasional kick in the butt! I love all of it! Even though my schedule rarely allows me to see you live, I feel it and am grateful you record these so I can make sense of what I’m feeling, seeing, hearing, etc. Thanks ladies. ♥️
I’m fairly new to the group. I would say the most impactful meditation for me was the heart chakra meditation. I also enjoyed the exercise we did with the cards and crystals, my 15 year daughter did it with me we did surprisingly well. Thanks for all you ladies do!
I’ve been with TCC since December 2019—came in on the first anniversary/birthday. I found TCC through a friend from Insta who said that you guys did past life regression—and knowing that I’d had past lives I was super interested in working with you on that front. It just so happened that, that entire MONTH was dedicated to past life work and so it seemed the perfect time to jump in. And was I NOT disappointed or what. Since then I’ve done tons of work with TCC and it has been life-changing in the best way possible. I’ve been learning so much and have gotten so much out of it. And the healing has been tremendous. In my spiritual life, I was kind of going at a slow pace until I started working with TCC and then it really skyrocketed me to a different level. Not to mention, absolutely inspired me to do MORE work. Every time we have a session it restores my motivation to keep going and to keep working. At this point, the spiritual work is happening strongly and steadily. I feel like I’m in a worlds different place than I was before joining the Crows. And Nancy and Lexi, you are SO great. I have so much love for both of you and the work you do. I am definitely not the same person I was when I started TCC and all the work and healing I’ve done with you is for the better. I still have a long way to go but there has been so much improvement on so many fronts. Especially these last couple months I’ve really been building on these skills and it’s really made such a difference. TCC has helped me to grow overall, not just spiritually. And again, the healing has been so intense and so real. TCC as they say, is the absolute truth. And I’m grateful beyond words to be a Crow. There really AREN’T words to adequately describe how wonderful TCC is or how powerful the work that we do together is. Thank you for holding this space for us and for all you do. It is priceless.

The Crow Conjuring has been the best thing I’ve invested my time and money into work on my spiritual journey and help my personal growth, I’ve learned so much invaluable information for such a low price, I highly recommend for anyone wanting to better themselves and learn how to tune into your inner self in a unique and effective way.
The site provides a safe experience to explore personal healing on a spiritual level. The leaders have healed themselves from psychic spirit attachments and personal trauma. So, I know I can turn to them for support with the kind of in-depth work of soul development. This is the only place I know that provides healing from trauma on the soul level.
My favorite part of TCC is that every session I attend feels like I am in the exact right place at the exact right time. The divine timing is so beautiful and the monthly topics almost always resonate with things I am experiencing in everyday life. After a chakra meditation where we imagined a waterfall I found myself at two different waterfalls in the following days...Very magical and would highly recommend joining TCC!!
I love that you have an almost blind faith in all of us. That you put so much time and attention into helping us grow, and guiding us but also giving us that loving shove into the water!
I have been with TCC since day one, and the amount of growth and knowledge that I have received is beyond amazing. These beautiful souls are ALWAYS here to help us. They make sure that WE do the work because of course, it’s our job to do the work to heal and grow. I’ve seen so much transformation not only in myself but some other crows that have been here for a while too and I’m in such awe. Every month we have access to such amazing content from the sessions, to the tarot and dead casts and all the amazing shop items. I can’t imagine not being part of this group. Before TCC I always struggled to meditate and journey and now, I’m able to do mediations and journeys with my eyes open while I’m working for example and STILL experience the journey itself!! I will forever be thankful to have found my way to TCC. I’ve even been able to help others with the what I’ve learned here. We learn to heal ourselves and eventually can help others heal too. If anyone has every wondered or questioned if they should join TCC i would say yes! Do it!
TCC helps me grow and maintain my spiritual growth. It keeps me accountable to what I have yet to learn. It brings peace to the chaos of life.
I am a brand new member excited to start this journey with other fellow crows. I have enjoyed the very real, down to earth, unfiltered readings and experiences via Instagram and cannot wait to see what’s in store now that I am a member.
I have been a member for about a year. I have definitely got something out of each month’s theme, even those that I wasn’t really vibing with at the beginning of the month. By the end of the month, I always felt the theme has aligned in some way with the things that I am working on and going through personally. My favorites journey was the ancestor walk in October. That might have the coolest journey I have ever been on and something I had never done before. I really made me feel tapped into the whole journey of my soul, all the lives I’ve lived, all the things that have happened, and the healing that occurred at the end - Amazing! I am also really enjoying the clairs and going over them. I have been taken classes and learned about the clairs in the past, but I like the different angles that TCC has taken on them. Which I think is the thing I enjoy the most about TCC and why I stick with it month after month. They have such a different take than what I have already been exposed to in the spiritual/healing arena. I always learn something new {from the healers} that I have never heard from any spiritual teacher before. I really appreciate the different takes and different perspectives. It feels like when it comes to healing and intuitive development there is always more to learn and I am learning a lot from TCC, and for that, I am very grateful.

Where do I start!! These beautiful crows have given me so much, from confidence to explore my powers to the knowledge that my health decisions were for the right reasons. They have helped me connect to spirit guides and have given me the tools to communicate with them continuously. I am in a better place than I was before joining and they keep me accountable to continue to grow. I am truly grateful for the experience I have had so far and I look forward to the experience I will have in the future, because these amazing witches are truly the best!
I’m a returning crow and it’s been a while, but I really enjoyed the regressions and reiki sessions and I’m excited to see what’s new since I’ve been away. :)
I love being part of this group! The last few months have been eye-opening. I have taken a more hands-on approach with my own healing and personal growth. Thank you so much for everything you ladies do! ❤️🌈
The content & exercises have opened my world up again after having my son & dealing with postpartum. I was so disconnected from everything, and it’s finally all coming back to me. I’m growing more confident in my spiritual life thanks to TCC.
Even though I feel like/know that I am one of the quiet crows, I always feel like I am welcome to join in when I can and ask questions. I appreciate that there isn’t pressure to do things especially when it’s been such a crazy year...I am really excited about the archives and will be signing up for that soon because I know there are some amazing things I have missed (THANK YOU for making this available). I also really appreciate the time and energy that you guys take each month to create content that is very valuable but you still keep things at a price that is doable so that many people are able to benefit. That is a huge kindness.
I do love coming to the sessions that I’ve made it to! Integrity and authenticity are very much felt from both of you and I appreciate all the work that you provide and offer for everyone.
My time working with the crows and sisters was some of the most transformative of my life. I learned more about myself and healed parts of myself I was not expecting. They are so warm, welcoming, and knowledgeable

The Crow Conjuring has been a lifeline for me during an incredible struggle in my life. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with someone that refused to get help. He was grieving over his father’s death, but could not get past his anger. I was using unhealthy coping mechanisms, sliding between manic and depressive phases of my bipolar disorder. Everything had gone to shit and I was ready to end my own life. Through the exercises and readings, I receive from The Crow Conjuring, I have been able to see my own value, harness my personal power, and stand on my own. My life is not perfect, but I am here and no longer being abused and my family has a mother and wife again. I have realized the abilities that I have had my whole life and can now use them and see them in a new light. My life used to be shrouded in darkness. Since doing the work with TCC, I can now see light emanating from me and surrounding me. I am more successful, self-confident, loving, and most importantly full of purpose. My life will never be perfect, but now I have the tools to deal with whatever comes my way.
The Mother Mary journey and The Hall of Ancestors journey have been the most profound for me the last year. They have helped me on my journey of grieving my dad so much. I have really enjoyed being a part of this group even though I’m one of the quieter ones. I so appreciate you guys doing what you do and holding this space. I don’t think i would be this far without you guys. You have helped me more than you know! Or maybe you do know. Lol! 💖
The content & exercises have opened my world up again after having my son & dealing with postpartum. I was so disconnected from everything, and it’s finally all coming back to me. I’m growing more confident in my spiritual life thanks to TCC.
TCC has helped me to connect (and in some instances reconnect) with aspects of myself I have either hidden away, stuffed down or done my best to outright ignore. Though the scheduled times for sessions have been challenging for me to attend live due to my work schedule I found my interactions with any aspect of the site to provide me with much for my own introspection, reflection as all content is incredibly insightful. I’m grateful to have stumbled upon TCC and all its healers provide! It has helped me to continue my own journey of growth and exponentially increased the amount I’ve evolved over my time here.
I’ve been having a really positive experience with TCC. Having all of the guidance, journeys, readings, journals, etc. have really helped me work through a balls-ton of stuff over the last year. It has been exactly what I needed and showed up exactly when I needed it. Love you, Witches.
Being in TCC helped push me to heal my own self. I love everything they offer. I learned so much. The way they teach you to create your own magic is what I love and need. I am so grateful for TCC.
I’ve always loved TCC and their no bullshit attitude. It’s what attracted me to them in the first place. It’s not a foo foo, fluffy community. It’s a place where you gather to do real work/ deep work on yourself that requires tough love, accountability, and transformation with a side of humor to soften the blow lol. They teach from a place of personal experience and only ask of you what they have already asked of themselves. I love their energy healing sessions, guided meditations, journals, tarot, and dead casts but my favorites are the interactive classes, live Spiritual Spankings, and Hecate channeled messages. Thank you TCC for creating a community that encourages self-love, hard work, and teaches it’s members to rely on themselves and that hard work truly pays off 🔮💚

I have learned so much about myself here at TCC and it has opened my eyes to what I’m capable of! Things I never would have tried before I learned how to do them here! I did my first live card reading for our group and I know I would have never done that had they not given me that opportunity! TCC taught me how to start healing myself and begin to let go of so much that has been holding me back in life! I have a ways to go still.... but I know these girls always have my back and are constantly sending me Good juju!
I love this group! I feel I belong even if I don’t participate as much as I use to or sometimes would like to. Lately, I’ve been getting out & seeing family more than I have in the past couple of years. With a lot of help but I’m doing it. Mostly I’d rather just keep to myself. Just having the site & the sisters here gives me strength. I know you’re here for me.
I’ve enjoyed my time with you all since the beginning! I love how much things have shifted and continue to unfold. The guidance I’ve received from each one of you has kept me moving forward with a constant nudge or the occasional kick in the butt! I love all of it! Even though my schedule rarely allows me to see you live, I feel it and am grateful you record these so I can make sense of what I’m feeling, seeing, hearing, etc. Thanks, ladies. ♥️
I’d say that at first I was resistant to learning and receiving guidance from you and then quickly realized that it was my own bs and feelings of inadequacies that I was projecting. Now I see it’s the real deal especially that you speak of your own journey or growth opportunities. One of the standout things so far has been that it feels like a safe space in which you act as mirrors and voice the areas we need to grow in, release or be uncomfortable with in order to get what we want.
I cannot say enough good things about TCC. Nancy & Lexi are constantly inspiring me to stay on top of spiritual growth, and they are a lot of fun to “hang out” (online) with. Group work blows my mind almost every week. I’ll think something, or channel a message & then see that other members of TCC are posting about the exact same realizations & feelings. I love having a place to go and learn without judgment, where I actually feel understood.
I’ve never been part of something that has touched me at a soul level as much as this community. I’ve missed participating the past few months (my life has been shit, so not much energy to sign on), I’m really working on making the time for myself to show up because I really need it right now.
I really enjoy the space that you have built to guide people through their individual journeys, The Crow Conjuring team are extremely knowledgeable, helpful and go out of their way to support their clients.